May Goals Update

Posted: May 24th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Comments Off on May Goals Update

It’s been a few months since I’ve publicly checked in on the goals and strategic initiatives I set for myself back at the start of the year, so let’s dive into those.

(As a reminder, the BHAG I set for myself is to get in a better position for success in life and career moving forward.  Tough to get much more big or audacious than that, right?  To make this goal less vague, I’d calculated that two core ways to attack this is to focus on my health/fitness as well as maintaining my performance both at school and in personal projects. )

Walk/Bike 100 Miles by my birthday

Starting off strong, I’m glad to report that this one was either a resounding success, or an example of rampantly underestimating one’s self. As displayed in the super polished charts below, this particular goal was met well ahead of schedule.

miles biked this year

Much like Newton always told us, an object in motion tends to stay in motion, and once I hit the stride of biking to school/work multiple times a week, this goal was easily accomplished. As I approached the original mandate of 100 miles, I thought I might aim for 250 total miles.  Unfortunately, as the chart below shows, there were a few times in March & April when I didn’t keep it going for one reason or another (Spring Break, high ankle sprain from a 5k, hectic work/school schedule, etc).

daily miles

Ultimately, I’ve been more active in the last 5 months than I was in all of 2013, and I’m determined to not reverse this trend.

Maintain a 3.0 or Higher GPA

Another solid checkmark on this one. By the grace of the almighty curve, I managed to pull slightly higher marks that anticipated, and finished with a 3.42 GPA for Spring, and a cumulative 3.33 for the year.  Take THAT rude academic advisor lady who tried to tell me ASU might be too hard.

Blog/Podcast 52 Times this Year

Today’s update will be the 34th post to go live between my two projects that are in production.  I’ve also written a few articles yet to be published for that food blog I keep talking about, so I’m confident this goal will be well exceeded.  Of course, I owe an amount of thanks to my MicroEconomics class for being both slow-paced and gracious about my laptop use in class.  Many of my updates this Spring were drafted while I was in that class.

Get Back to the Size/Shape I was in at 25

Well, they can’t all be winners.

Actually, this goal has me particularly frustrated, but mostly because I’m frustrated at myself for not putting as much specific attention towards this one. I may actually be worse off than when I started this process, despite a more active lifestyle and better nutrition.

If anything, though, I should use the progress I’ve made on the other three items to fuel this last one and finish the year with a complete victory.

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