Early Morning Connundrum

Posted: March 13th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , | 1 Comment »

Another morning and I once again find myself awake at the GF’s home, wondering what to do that won’t be invasive.

Background: Anie always sleep more than me. It’s not that she’s some kind of Slothy Sleeperson. Actually, it’s my fault. Whereas she prescribes to the as-advertised 8 hours a night, I’m awake after 5-6 hours.

As you can see, this leaves me with a rather sizable gap. When we stay at my place, it’s pretty easy to overcome. I can get up early and make coffee and watch the Today Show in the living room, I could sneak out of bed after she falls asleep and stay up until I’m actually tired.

As in any relationship, though, balance & reciprocation are a factor, and so I sometimes find myself at her place and hours of free time and no clue how to occupy myself. To that end, I’ve made to following list.

Things I Could Do at 8am in A Foreign Land

1.) fake being asleep and try to convince myself I like staying in bed
2.) read a book as the sun comes up
3.) lament not having coffee in my hand
4.) try to access her laptop and think up witty, lovable blogs
5.) consider physics equations and try to solve them in my head, without paper or pen
6.) continuously update my twitter app, hoping there’s someone up to entertain me.

Any tips on what you do when you find yourself in this situation?

Classified Ad for my Life

Posted: February 23rd, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Classified Ad for my Life

Looking for Surrogate Sleeper. Me: awake 6am – 1am daily, always tired in the morning. You: willing to go to bed at a reasonable hour and donate 3-4 extra hours of sleep to me. Will pay in humor, opinion or other awesomeness.