Stuff I Said this Week: 2010-09-19

Posted: September 19th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Comments Off on Stuff I Said this Week: 2010-09-19
  • Where the hell can I get a Stella around here?! #
  • Had a Carlsberg at the bistro. It was nice and cold and about as good as a Carlsberg can get. #
  • Know what I'm doing now. “@MarcDSchiller: Murakami's work inside the Palace of Versailles (Exhibition opens on Tuesday)” #
  • Je voudrais un cafe au lait. #
  • I just became the mayor of Hotel Ares Eiffel on @foursquare! #
  • Cold Stella Artois achieved!! #
  • Had someone hit me with the "muchas gracias" on the streets of Paris. Not sure if they thought I was Mexican or Spanish. Racially Profiled. #
  • How is it possible i'd hear this on twitter first? RT @BuildingPHX: New sushi restaurant opening next to Portland's called Sushi Revolution. #
  • It's not @truckingoodfood, but it's not bad. #
  • Had nutella for the first time today. Pretty good but I know I should feel bad about eating things with palm oil. #
  • So many great finds today, so many sites seen. Anie laughed at me for getting most excited when i spotted 2 Space Invader pieces. #
  • Odd that I haven't seen crepe Suzette on any menu. Did we make that shit up state-side? #
  • Who knew Camembert on a sesame roll was a bomb-ass lunch combo? Hanging out in the Tuileries while I ate it probably helped. #
  • Also, while I despise peach tea in America, over here it's hella good. Sorta like Mexican Coke vs normal. #
  • Really don't see Reach outselling SC2 or Cata. RT @FortuneMagazine “'Halo Reach': The year's biggest game reviewed âž›” #
  • Also a plus: haven't had to specify "no pickles" on anything. Woot! #
  • Need to find one of these this week. “@MarcDSchiller: Just posted 3 brand new pieces from Banksy” #
  • View from here. #
  • Sorry about the frequency of tweets. Need to use up the wifi at the hotel before I go radio silent on the way to London. #
  • Happy MSC, Anie, guess what I got you….: #
  • UK home (@ Clarendon Serviced Apartmentd) #
  • A pic of just a piece of Gare du Nord, allegedly the busiest train station in the world with 180k passengers daily. #
  • Dear foreign countries, I like how colorful your money is, but coins instead of small bills makes my pocket sound ridiculous. #
  • Free time today. Off to check out the streets of London and see what I can find. #
  • Spent so much time at rail stations this last few days, I decided to just walk to the museum. Oh yeah, 62 degree day didn't hurt either. #
  • Best end of summer weather I've ever seen: #
  • After reading @noellephx, I really think cologne testers should encourage you to walk around & see who it lures, not just spray on a paper. in reply to noellephx #
  • Since I'm firmly waiting for a second gen iPad, I'm THIS CLOSE to buying a kindle, except I think carrying a book makes me look smarter. #
  • Am I being punk'd or is TIME reusing headlines from '96? RT @TIME: Girls kissing girls: what's behind the trend? | #
  • This. Ditto. “@noellephx: @sirobins I want to eat cupcakes, drink brews, and be fat too!” #
  • Headlines here today: "Britain sees record rise in employment". Yes America, that's not a typo. They didn't forget the "un". WTF White House #
  • I've lost all perspective of days of the week. #
  • Anie's flat has a crack in the wall. I of course warned her that it's caused by two places in space & time that aren't supposed to touch. #
  • Realized I forgot to set the away message on my email. That'll be fun to deal with when I'm back next week. #
  • Spotted outside St. Paul's Cathedral. Medieval bike rack? #
  • Cheers #
  • Listened to some @obscurecast on my way to the Tate Modern, imagining it'd make me more authentic. #
  • Sustainable alternative RT @lafinguy: Pick my teeth w/it RT @mandylouwho: Park a lot of medieval bikes in ur bed room?” #
  • Spent the evening at an amazing indie cinema in Notting Hill. Before you ask, no I did not spot any travel book stores. #
  • The concept of never being more then 5 min/500m from a train station is amazing. WTB this in Phoenix. #
  • Its weird to say this but crepe next to the Thames was better than crepes next to the Seine. #
  • WTF England. No Pumpkin Spice and no indie coffee shops nearby. #PSL #
  • "I disagree with you, but I'm reasonably sure you're not Hitler" #
  • Some of the people getting beta keys fucking astound me. GG Blizz. #
  • 49 degrees out and I decide to walk 1/2 way home from the theatre. Way to use your noodle, Ryan. #
  • Btw, had a Vesper with dinner tonight. James Bond sure knows how to make a damn good martini. #
  • Broke my "I don't eat sea creature rule" twice today. When in Rome, right? #
  • In the spirit of Yom Kippur, if I ticked you off, I'm sorry. Make me a list and I'll consider it. One-day sale only. #
  • Rise and shine, folks. I need some damn coffee. #
  • Last night here. Something weird about going to bed when the clock says 0:00. Like I'll be stuck between days. #

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